A nice Three ply pickguard- custom cut for us, in Classic THREE PLY Black/White/Black.
These are cut for two standard Humbuckers- We've used them with all the GFS stuff and of course the usual Duncan, Dimarzio etc. all fit great. As a nice touch- We've cut them using ONLY the top and bottom holes for pots- This leaves you a ton of room for the picky-on-the-volume-pot-volume-swell thing, and of course it's easy enough to add another pot or two or three mini switches. The Control area is shielded, and we've found the 11 holes to be a good match for USA fender guitars.
These are high quality guards- and don't be surprised if this is the same exact guard used by some VERY famous manufacturers.
Please don't confuse this with the cheapo thin single ply guards some sell, or the Mighty Mite guards on Ebay.
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